The cherry tree that blossoms next to our balcony has provided me with a wonderful project for the past three weeks. I have made daily photos, many more than one a day, and recorded the blooming and fading of these delicate pink flowers. I've had sunny days, cloudy days and rainy days - cloudy and rainy were the best for shooting.
Now there are very few blossoms left, all somewhat bedraggled, and only one or two within range of my lens. Today they were still worth photographing. And tomorrow? I have posted the series in the gallery Pink Explosion, grouped in separate slide shows for week 1, week 2 and week 3. My tribute to spring.
Sakura - Day 9 Still enough blossoms to continue my daily project, but for how long? Click on images for full picture. More cherry blossoms are in my gallery Pink Explosion.
Sakura - day 8
With gentle rain today and green leaves ready to take over, the blossoms are gradually letting their petals fall. But still lovely. Click picture for full image. More cherry blossoms in the "Pink Explosion" gallery. Three new cherry blossom pictures for today.
The cherry blossoms are not here to stay. I took the first photos of the tight buds exactly one week ago. Today I see the first petals fluttering gently to the ground. In Japan the cherry blossoms, called sakura, are highly symbolic. They signify both renewal and the fleeting nature of all things. Click on the image for full size. Cherry blossoms from the past week are here in my gallery. After a mild winter - for which I was thankful - we have had a seemingly endless wait for spring. Mild winter continued, spring days were scarce. But now with the blossoming of the cherry tree next to our balcony, I know spring is here.
From the first fat buds on the burgeoning tree to its riotous blossoming, I have made daily pictures. Click on the images to enlarge. In my gallery Pink Explosion you will find more cherry blossoms. |
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... is up and running again. It is a space for notes on my daily doings - walks, bike rides, photo outings, travel. Thanks for reading. Archives
October 2024